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  2. 10 reasons why your lawn is for living

10 reasons why your lawn is for living

Wine in Garden


Here at GreenThumb, we love our lawns and we want you to as well! Our gardens can give us extra space at home that can be equivalent (or sometimes even bigger) than most kitchens or living rooms, yet we tend not to use the outdoor space to its full potential, shunning it for indoor activity.

With a few weeks of the summer break left to enjoy, as well as taking advantage of our range of treatments to create a healthy, luscious lawn, we want you to throw open those back doors, keep on the grass and make the most of your gardens.

To provide a little inspiration, we’ve even compiled a list of 10 fabulous activities and reasons to get yourself outside and bring your lawn to life!

  1. Alfresco dining – You don’t have to be having a BBQ to enjoy eating outdoors. Whatever you’re rustling up for your evening meal or Sunday lunch, lay the table outside, take some candles and a few blankets in case it gets a little chilly and enjoy a spot of alfresco dining.
  2. Lawn games – As the summer holidays draw to a close, you might feel like you’re running out of activity inspiration. Why not set a challenge for the kids to create their own garden games? It could be a homemade sports day, crazy golf course made from cardboard boxes and cups, a simple game of French cricket or a tricky treasure hunt. Turn off the TV and challenge them to use their imaginations!
  3. Outdoor furniture – If you don’t want to take your furniture outdoors, why not make your own? Wooden palettes are cost-effective and versatile, but if you don’t fancy any DIY, you can cover them in blankets and cushions to make the perfect day bed.
  4. Fitness – Using your garden as a space to keep fit will not only save you money on a gym membership, it will get that fresh air into your lungs and leave you feeling fantastic. There are lots of free workout video routines on websites such as Vimeo and YouTube. You can use different parts of your garden for different exercises and even incorporate a few gardening to-dos into your routine – check out how many calories you can burn doing a little weeding here.
  5. Working from home – If you find yourself with extra work to do over the weekend, or regularly work from home, create an ‘al-desko’ workspace and take your laptop outside. The fresh air and change of scene will work wonders for your concentration and really get those creative juices flowing.
  6. ‘Me’ time – Sometimes the house can get a little hectic and it’s hard to find a place for a bit of peace and quiet. So why not take yourself into the garden with that book you’ve been meaning to read, or just a cup of tea. Make a cosy space on the lawn with a picnic blanket and some cushions and forget about everything…for a few moments at least!
  7. Entertaining friends – Next time you’re having friends over, take the group into the garden for an outdoor experience. You could decorate your space with lighting, candles, or even purchase a chiminiea to keep everyone warm (great for the autumn months too!). A few simple snacks and a bottle of wine will make for the perfect grown-up picnic.
  8. Stargazing – The evening sky provides us with a whole host of activity that we may not always see. With the full lunar eclipse happening on 27th September and the Taurid meteor shower taking place 5th – 12th November, the next few months are the perfect time to set up a cosy den outdoors, with a flask of hot chocolate and plenty of blankets, to see what you can spot in the night sky.
  9. Homework – The end of the school holidays means that the dreaded homework diary must come out and you’ll no doubt receive an eye roll or two making sure it’s up to date. Why not set the kids a challenge to complete their homework outside, making use of the space and the fresh air to boost their concentration levels. As a reward for completing it, there could even be a picnic of their favourite treats waiting for them when they finish!
  10. Outdoor cinema – For a real family treat, or if you’re entertaining friends, why not create a garden cinema? Pick a great film to watch, get a laptop with portable speakers and a projector (widely available to hire) and hang a white sheet or large piece of fabric from the washing line. Fill your lawn with cushions and blankets or garden chairs and enjoy!

How do you make the most of your lawn and garden? We want you to share your pictures with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram using the hashtag #keeponthegrass

After all that action, your lawn may need a bit of TLC, click here to find out about our Autumn Treatment or find your local branch here.

Alfresco dining
Lawn games
Outdoor furniture
Working from home
'Me’ time
Entertaining friends
Outdoor cinema

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