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  2. Autumn and winter weather warnings in the UK: How rain and snow can affect your lawn

Autumn and winter weather warnings in the UK: How rain and snow can affect your lawn


With autumn in full swing, it’s no surprise that conversations in the GreenThumb office have this week turned to the good old British weather. In the week that the Met Office announced its first autumn extreme gale weather warning, we know that this means only two things: more rain and more wind.

While breezy weather will increase your work in the garden clearing fallen autumn leaves, increased rain levels can also cause a few problems. If you’re affected by rain or even snow as winter starts to bite, bear this information in mind when thinking of your lawn. You might even pick up some useful tips to share with friends, family or even colleagues, if you find yourself chatting by the water cooler!

Too much moisture

If your lawn is exposed to too much water and becomes water-logged this could potentially cause moss in your garden. Moss can be found in a wide variety of locations, but on lawns it will grow when grass growth is slow and the soil is wet, as well as in shady and damp conditions. You can find out how to tackle moss in your lawn here.

Dealing with snow

You may also have read about the odds of us having a white winter this year, with forecasters predicting a snowy season for Britain. Although snow can be a very pretty and exciting time, it can also be a challenging time for your lawn and can lead to damaged lawns.

Snow can cause snow mould, another cold weather disease that thrives in lawns with poor air circulation. When snow settles on a lawn for any length of time it incubates the disease, which can only be seen once the snow has melted away and the lawn is left with unsightly patches.

The fungus produces white patches which, in severe cases, can turn pink. To avoid this disease, try and keep snow off the lawn. However, if this is not possible, it can be treated with a special fungicide. Read more about the treatment here.

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