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Autumn Lawn Care Tips


Although the latter months of the year often symbolize preparing for an end or a decline, it’s actually the opposite. It’s the perfect time to take care of a few gardening chores ahead of the cold weather to ensure a lush lawn when we come to enjoy them again. 

Make the most of any dry days and clean up your lawn…

Remove leaves

You may see us mentioning this a lot, but it really is important to keep removing leaves from your lawn.  Allowing leaves to gather on your lawn can block out sunlight and air which your grass needs to survive. At GreenThumb, we advise you to remove the leaves from your lawn daily or at least once a week.

It’s also important to know that your GreenThumb Operative may be unable to treat your lawn if it’s covered in leaves. 

Instead of wasting the leaves, there are many ways you can put your fallen leaves to good use. Here are GreenThumb’s top tips: https://www.greenthumb.co.uk/blog/what-to-do-with-autumn-leaves

Remove furniture 

We recommend tidying up any items left on the lawn. It’s easy to leave items on the lawn, especially when it’s cold and wet outside. But, if an item is left on the grass during the cold weather, it can create large dead spots because of the weight and lack of sunlight. When spring arrives, the grass in that area will be stunted and thinner than the rest of the lawn. 

Prune back shrubs and overhanging branches

It’s important to make sure your grass plant has enough light. As well as, removing leaves and furniture, we advise to cut back shrubs, bushes, and overhanging branches. 

Mow the Lawn

A lot of people stop mowing their lawn around autumn time, however, grass will still grow at 5°c and above, so it will still need to be cut, although no lower than 1 inch (25mm).  
And of course, wait until ground conditions are suitable. 

Feed the Birds

During the cold weather, birds need our support more than ever. If you can provide food, water, or shelter this can make a huge difference to the bird’s comfort during the winter weather ahead. 
Visit GreenThumb Gardens for all your wildlife needs: www.greenthumbgardens.co.uk

Lawn Treatment

For the best results, take care of your lawn with our Autumn/Winter Long treatment. This treatment contains a micro-nutrient feed and a moss control element, designed to support your lawn over the winter period. It will continue to give the lawn a long-lasting green colour and help to toughen the grass plant for the conditions to come. 

Contact your local GreenThumb branch: www.greenthumb.co.uk/branch


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