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Autumn/Winter Treatment


The majority of our GreenThumb customers will have received their Autumn/Winter seasonal treatment by now, but there are still a few lawns we are on the way to!

But what exactly does our Autumn/Winter Treatment do for your lawn?

Over the year your lawn is subjected to all sorts of wear and tear. Mother Nature also plays her hand with lawn disease and pests, not to mention the dreaded accumulation of moss. Our Autumn/Winter treatment will support your lawn over the Winter period and help to control moss.

To ensure your lawn can reach its full potential, we also recommend beneficial machine work – Aeration and Scarification.


Moss thrives in damp conditions, so to reduce the moss in your lawn, you need to remove the moss-loving environment. Lawn raking will remove some of the moss, but unless you tackle what’s causing it, you won’t reduce moss in the long run – this is why we recommend Aeration and Scarification at this time of year, as well as in the Spring.


Thatch is formed naturally of living/dead organic matter – a little thatch is normal, but when present in excess, it can cause lawn problems. Essential air, nutrients and water are prevented from reaching the grass roots, negatively impacting soil performance and allowing moss to develop and spread. 

Learn more about Thatch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeTehoc6pqI

How do you get rid of this?

Our Autumn/Winter Treatment has been specially formulated to support the lawn over the winter period and control moss. However, machine work is essential for your lawn to reach its full potential.


The process of Aeration relieves compaction and creates open spaces in the soil. Deep channels are produced so that light, water, air, and nutrients can penetrate into the root zone. 

We check your lawn by taking several core samples in a variety of places over the lawn. This allows us to take a closer look at the levels of sub-surface thatch and what the soil is like. We will be able to tell how compacted the soil is by examining the conditions of the roots and how tight knit the soil is. This evidence provides us with enough information to recommend Aeration for compaction.

  • Hollow-tine Aeration

Hollow-tine Aeration is an effective way to thin-out sub-surface thatch in a lawn. It does this by mechanically removing thousands of cores from the lawn allowing water, oxygen, and other nutrients access to the root zone.

  • Fracture-tine Aeration

Fracture-tine Aeration is a mechanical process that involves cutting tiny slits into the lawn. With the twist of the blade, the tines act as a small space, fracturing the soil and adding air. No soil is removed during this process, so no cores are left on the lawn.

Learn more about Aeration here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7gMqSBHA6U&feature=youtu.be


Scarification is a rigorous and thorough mechanical operation which uses blades to reduce surface thatch that has built up over the year.

If your lawn is suffering with moss in Autumn and Winter or is spongy underfoot, it’s likely that it needs to be scarified. Our process involves taking core samples from your lawn and assessing the depth or thatch below and above the soil line; excess thatch above the soil line indicates a need for Scarification.

Learn more about Scarification here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dur_tqKEbF0

All your treatments and hard work throughout the year will have contributed greatly to a long-lasting, beautiful lawn, even throughout Winter. We look forward to continuing this journey with you and making your lawn the centrepiece of your garden.

For more information, you can contact your local branch here: https://www.greenthumb.co.uk/contact


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