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Bring your lawn to life


Is your lawn looking a little tired? Maybe it’s sprouting unsightly weeds or suffering from bald patches as it gets older (don’t we all?). Regrettably, time does take its toll on our grassy lawns making them appear somewhat… uninspiring. But don’t lose hope! There is a simple solution for breathing the life back into your lawn and it’s probably easier than you think.

At GreenThumb, we pioneered the very best treatments in Lawn Care and have continued to develop and improve these remedies since our establishment in 1986. We conduct over 2.5 million Lawn Treatment visits to customers’ homes every year - that’s the equivalent of treating 32,400 football pitches every year!

Whether you need some advice on watering and mowing, crave that lush green lawn, or perhaps you need a complete Lawn Makeover? We’ve got 34 years of experience, technology, and undeniable love for lawns to achieve all the above for you!

We’re very proud of the results we achieve for our customers. When you look at your lawn, we want you to be proud to display it as the centrepiece of your garden. This is what makes us truly happy.

Every now and then we hear whispers of “It’s too much work to maintain a lawn”, “It’s too expensive to water my lawn”, “There’s no point when the kids and the dogs will ruin it anyway”. Are you one of those whisperers? Well, we’re here to change your perception of Lawn Care and let you in on some great tips to getting that oh so picture perfect lawn for all your neighbours to be jealous of!

Firstly, our seasonal NutraGreen Treatments ensure your lawn is lush green, weed-free, and well-loved. We specially developed fertilisers so that are unique to GreenThumb customers. Over the course of the year, we provide continuous guidance so that together, we can go above and beyond to provide the very best for your lawn.

Secondly, we have an abundance of knowledge on all things grass which we’re desperate to share with you. Spotted something unusual on your lawn? Chances are we’ve already seen it and rectified it, leaving you without a worry in the world for your lovely lawn.

Thirdly, and quite simply, we believe that every lawn should receive the love and attention it deserves. We’re poised and ready to shower your lawn with care and support (and great treatments of course).

Understandably, there are times when a lawn may need more than regular feeding, even with the best ingredients. Perhaps your lawn has an unusual weed problem, is subject to moss or even root eating grubs. We change our Lawn Treatments to fit the needs of each individual lawn, we don’t ignore, we adapt. Our trained Lawn Operatives who deliver the treatments at your home will carry out regular assessments of your lawn and make recommendations as to how we can adapt your treatment plan to suit you. Our flexible approach to Lawn Treatment results in a bespoke service for every lawn, every time.

Additional treatments include Aeration (the most effective way of reducing sub-surface thatch and compaction in lawns which are often the main causes of moss) and Scarification (the most effective way to remove surface thatch that may be preventing important nutrients from reaching the grass roots).

Our patented water conserver treatment, Oasis, compliments your watering regime and helps to make the most of any moisture your lawn receives resulting in a hydrated and healthy lawn that requires up 80% less watering (more time for you to enjoy your garden!).

Whatever condition your lawn is in, it’s never too late to start a Lawn Care programme. Give your lawn a chance to be the best it can be by letting us do the hard work. Then it’s your turn to sit back and enjoy your lawn as the centrepiece of your garden (it will thank you for a regular drink though!).

We hope to make people’s lives easier by offering a simple solution to Lawn Care, working together in a partnership to create long lasting, beautiful lawns.

Get in touch with GreenThumb today to start your journey to a beautiful lawn.

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