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  2. Dry Weather – can your lawn handle it?

Dry Weather – can your lawn handle it?


We all love warm and sunny weather, and with temperatures set to soar,, we’re predicted a hot July! 

However, spare a thought for your lawn. Can it handle the heat? 

While dry weather can’t be prevented, measures can be taken to prevent the damage it can inflict upon your lawn. Dry weather can cause a lawn to stop growing, turn brown and appear patchy and worn. 

With GreenThumb’s treatments, coupled with good lawn maintenance, we can help protect your lawn against dry weather. 

Follow these lawn care tips: 

Water, water, water! 

  • Water early morning or late evening as the temperature is generally cooler and the water is less likely to evaporate. 
  • Water for only 20 minutes at a time to avoid ‘run off’. 
  • For more efficient watering, use a sprinkler and a timer.
  • Watering costs far less than reseeding or replacing a lawn which has died of thirst. Our Oasis Water Conserver can also help to reduce the need to water by up to 80%!


  • If the grass is dry and not growing, do not mow it. 
  • If there is some growth or it looks unsightly with tufts of growth here and there, then only trim the tops of the leaf try and keep the height to 50mm (2”). This will help to protect the soil, keep it cool and this will help when the rains come.


To aid your watering programme and help keep your lawn looking greener and healthier for longer, you need GreenThumb’s Oasis Treatment. The Oasis treatment is an innovative water conserving liquid product, that ensures moisture penetrates deep into the grass root zone. Oasis helps your lawn get fuller benefit from any moisture received, which is essential during a hot summer. In addition to a richer, more vibrant lawn, GreenThumb customers choose Oasis because it significantly reduces the necessity and cost of watering by up to 80%.  

Our NutraGreen fertilisers can still be applied during dry periods. They’re specifically manufactured to deal with hot, dry conditions. The NutraGreen feeds lay dormant and only release their nutrients when it rains, or when the lawn is watered. As we specially developed these, they are unique to us, only GreenThumb customers receive them! 

Leave the hard work to GreenThumb this summer, giving you more time to simply enjoy a beautiful and vibrant green space.

If your lawn is suffering, contact your local GreenThumb branch: www.greenthumb.co.uk/branch. 


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