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  2. Get rid of Red Thread

Get rid of Red Thread


Due to the mild weather we have experienced, our Lawn Operatives are currently noticing an increase in Red Thread across lawns in the U.K. We’re here to help you identify the disease in your lawn and to explain how we can help get rid of it!

What does Red Thread look like?

  • Reddish/brown patches of decaying grass
  • Fine red needles protruding from the blades of grass
  • Pink/reddish candy-floss like particles around the base of the leaf
  • Infected blades mixed with healthy blades giving the lawn a ragged appearance

In severe cases, the grass may look scorched or yellowed in irregularly shaped or circular patches from 5 to 50cm in diameter. The patches may be widely scattered or, if close together, may amalgamate into larger spots.

How did my lawn get Red Thread?

Although high humidity is the main cause, it can also be seen in lawns affected by stress related issues such as a poor cutting regime, drought, thatch, compaction, or low nutrition (if it’s due a feed).

How can GreenThumb remove Red Thread?

Generally, if our customers are receiving their regular fertiliser treatments this reduces the incidence of it. However, if the problem arises due to the conditions described above, we may recommend a liquid tonic.

If Red Thread does occur, we can treat it at the same time as we apply the scheduled NutraGreen treatments to your lawn. This will ensure that your lawn has the best chance of recovery. 

What can I expect after my treatment?

The lawn should overcome the disease within 7-10 days of application. It has been our experience that if the humid weather continues, in rare circumstances Red Thread may reoccur.

Did you know?

There are many other fungal diseases and disorders that are found on lawns throughout the U.K. Examples of these are Leaf spot, Fusarium, Snow Mould along with some disorders like Fairy Ring, Slime Mould and Algal Slime.

Contact your local branch today for a free lawn analysis and quotation – click here.


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