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Get those weeds under control!


We are approaching that time of year when our gardens spring back to life. Unfortunately, this also applies to the weeds in our lawn. 

Weeds aren’t bad plants, they’re just considered undesirable because they grow where we don’t want them to. If left untreated, weeds can take over your lawn! They will compete against your grass for sunlight, moisture, and nutrients, resulting in your lawn not looking as healthy as it could. If you keep on top of the problem right from the start of the growing season, it’s possible to keep them under control. 

Why don’t GreenThumb treat for weeds at the beginning of the year? 
We don’t apply a weed treatment so early in the year because quite simply, weeds are not active. It would be a waste of herbicide and isn’t environmentally responsible. 

When do GreenThumb treat for weeds? 
It can feel like a never-ending battle to keep your lawn weed-free as seeds lie dormant and others are blown in from neighbouring locations; this is why ongoing treatments are necessary. 

We will start treating for weeds from March onwards when they’re actively growing (weather and branch dependent). 
•    From March we can apply a herbicide with your Spring Ready treatment if we see active growth. 

•    Between April – June, we will apply herbicide with your Summer Ready treatment. 

•    Between July – September, we will apply herbicide with your Summer Long treatment. 

What are the most common lawn weeds? 
•    Creeping Buttercup – Flowers fairy early on in the year, around April time and has vigorous rooting runners, common in damp lawns and clay soils. 

•    Lesser Celandine - A low growing perennial with heart-shaped leaves. Flowers between February and May with a single yellow flower which only opens in bright sunshine.

•    Common Mouse-ear Chickweed - This is a prostrate annual with weak stems, which can grow up to 40cm long. It has white flowers, which flower from February to November.

•    White Clover - The bane of many gardeners' lawns, this weed has rooting stems which creep along the soil surface. Flowers are white and appear between May and October.

•    Daisy - One of the most common, and popular, lawn weeds, the daisy is a tufted perennial with tightly packed flowers. The flowers appear all through the year, peaking towards the late spring, and have a yellow central disk with white petals.

•    Dandelion - Easily recognised lawn weed with a single, solitary yellow flower, which sits on a fairly weak hollow stalk, and flowers from March to October.

•    Germander Slender Speedwell - Very common in amenity grassland and turf, with creeping stems and small lilac flowers, with a white centre; flowers from April to June.

What if I get weeds after my treatment?

Our herbicide generally works over a three-week period. If, during that time, you notice an increase in weeds then please contact your local branch to ask them to revisit and assess your lawn. At this time, we may decide to apply a targeted herbicide to the plants that have come through after this period.

Should I cut my lawn before my treatment? 

We recommend to not cut your lawn for at least 3 days either side of your treatment. If you cut your lawn too soon before your treatment, there will be no leaf on the weeds.

If the weed leaf is small, then it’s more challenging to get the spray droplets onto the leaf and achieve the desired control. Therefore, not cutting your lawn for at least 3 days before ensures a good size of leaf for us to treat and leaving it for 3 days afterwards means the weed control will be more effective. This will allow the active ingredient time to make its way around the plant.

Start your journey to a healthy lawn with GreenThumb.

The best way to manage weeds in your lawn is to have a regular treatment programme which features a weed control, along with regular mowing and watering. We have three treatment programmes to choose from, all of which include our five Core Treatments as a minimum, all of which are inclusive of weed control!
Contact your local branch for a free lawn analysis: www.greenthumb.co.uk/branch



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