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Get to know how to mow


Love it or hate it, mowing is the key to a healthy lawn. Mowing your lawn correctly is the difference between a green, luscious lawn and a lawn that needs some serious TLC.

Mow your way to an incredible lawn with our top tips.

Mow your lawn regularly

Cut your lawn at least once every two weeks in Spring and Autumn, and at least once a week in Summer. Regular mowing encourages the grass roots to spread whilst discouraging the growth of weeds. New lawns need 3-4 weeks to establish after germination before you should mow, so it’s best to let new grass grow 3/4 to 1”taller than its recommended regular mowing height. Your thick, luscious lawn will thank you!

Cut your lawn to the correct height

As a general rule, it’s best to keep your lawn between 25mm (1’’) and 50mm (2’’) in length and follow the 1/3 rule – never remove more than 1/3 of the grass blade at any one time. This will sustain your lawn until it’s next cut, whilst maintaining a thick, tidy lawn. In rainier periods, increase the height of the cut to 50mm (2”) as this allows the grass to retain moisture, stopping the grass from drying out so quickly. 

Remember, it’s important not to cut your lawn too short, cutting your lawn too short can lead to damage such as:
•    Injury to the crown, where new growth generates, and nutrients are stored
•    Reduction of the surface area of the blade, making the blade surface insufficient to produce food through photosynthesis
•    Increased risk of pests and disease 
If your lawn has been scalped, mowing as often as possible on a high height will give it the best chance of recovery. 

Also, remember to:

•    Clean up any debris, such as leaves, or dead sticks before tending to your lawn as they can damage your lawn mower. 
•    Don’t let your lawn grow too long before its next cut - if your lawn has grown too long, cut it back in stages rather than all at once. 
•    Avoid mowing in the heat of the day to prevent stress on yourself and your lawn
•    Ensure lawn mower blades are clean and kept sharp; mowing with blunt blades will tear at the tip of the grass leaf, causing the grass to turn brown, affecting the overall appearance of your lawn. 
•    Change the mowing pattern each time you mow. Grass develops a grain-based on your cutting direction, tending to lean towards the direction you mow. 

Have you heard about SlowMow?

Give yourself and your lawn a break with our SlowMow treatment. This growth regulator reduces the grass roots’ growing rate, meaning you don’t have to mow as often. This intelligent treatment will also make your lawn look thicker and healthier, improving your lawn overall appearance. Find out more about SlowMow here and book it in with your local branch: https://www.greenthumb.co.uk/lawn-treatments/slowmow


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