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Go peat free in your garden


As we have previously highlighted, our gardens have an important role in the fight against climate change. Whilst there are many aspects to creating a sustainable garden (see our sustainable gardens blog), part of this is going peat free in your garden. This helps greatly in the preservation of vital peatland.

When it comes to climate change, peatlands are vital. The excess carbon in our atmosphere is causing the planet to heat up. Peat bogs act like a sponge, absorbing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it like a sink.

The UK’s peatlands store around 3.2 billion tons of carbon and alongside the oceans, are the second largest store of carbon on the planet whilst covering a much smaller area. But sadly, more than 94% of the UK’s lowland peat bogs have been destroyed or damaged, and a wealth of wildlife has disappeared along with it. This vital habitat isn't easily replaced. 

What is peat?

Peat is made up of decayed organic matter and vegetation. Peat can be found in wetlands such as bogs and moors, and its composition makes it home to a unique ecosystem providing an environment for rare dragonflies and spiders, they’re also a great feeding ground for birds.

What can you do?

Peat has been a major ingredient in gardening compost for years, it’s used to condition soil improving its water and nutrient retention. This peat is dug out of wild places, damaging some of the last remaining peatlands in the UK and overseas, releasing carbon and in turn accelerating climate change.

There are a few peat free compost options available, but the more we ask for them, the more likely stores will begin to stock them. Protect the UK’s precious peatlands by using peat free compost or alternatives such as bark chippings, wood fibre or composted waste from your own garden.

Source: https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/actions/how-go-peat-free-your-garden

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