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  2. Guide to birdwatching

Guide to birdwatching


Here at GreenThumb, we’re not only passionate about lawns but about everything that goes into making a garden a space to be proud of. Whilst we believe your lawn is the centrepiece of your garden, we also appreciate the positive impact birds can have on our outdoor spaces as well as their environmental benefits.

If like us, you’re a bird enthusiast, we have some top tips from the RSPB on bird watching and what you should look out for.

Bird watchers code

Approx. three million adults go birdwatching every year in the U.K. This code puts the interests of birds first and respects other people. It applies not just when you are at a nature reserve, but whenever you are watching birds in the UK or abroad. It has been produced by the leading bird organisations, magazines and websites.

Five things to remember

  1. Avoid disturbing birds and their habitats – the birds’ interests should always come first
  2. Be an ambassador for bird watching
  3. Know the law and the rules for visiting the countryside, and follow them
  4. Send your sightings to the County Bird Reorder and Birdtrack website (register here)
  5. Think about the interests of wildlife and local people before passing on news of a rare bird, especially during the breeding season

Birds, habitats and the law

Laws protecting birds and their habitats have helped to secure the conservation of many species. We must make sure that they are adhered to. In England, Scotland and Wales, it is a criminal offence to disturb, intentionally or recklessly, at or near the nest, a species listed on Schedule 1 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981. Disturbance could include playback of songs and calls.  Penalties that can be imposed for criminal offences in respect of a single birds’ nest or egg contrary to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 is an unlimited fine or six months imprisonment or both.

For more information on bird watching and how to identify birds, click here.

Source: https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/birdwatching/

For more information, contact your local branch today – click here.

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