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Make the most of your garden


Summer is the season when we enjoy our gardens the most, but it can also be a demanding time for our lawn grasses, particularly during dry any periods.

Our NutraGreen Summer Long Treatment is an essential part of maintaining a beautiful lawn, working hard to reduce your weeds and green up your grass. It has the longest feeding period we have ever produced – between 4-5 months! Meaning if you care for your lawn now, you’ll also be preparing it for the transition into autumn, protecting and nourishing your grass for the months to come. 

Sounds great, right?! 

However, whilst our treatment provides superb nutrition, we need you to play your part to complement our visits. With just a little bit of care and attention, you can have a lawn which thrives all year round… 


  • Before mowing, it’s important to check that your mower’s blade is sharp, and that any debris is removed. 
  • The more often it’s cut, the better it will look. However, it’s essential to remember not to cut your lawn too short.
  • Your lawn should be kept between 25mm (1’’) and 50mm (2’’) in length.
  • Don’t forget to remove grass clippings as they contribute to surface thatch on the lawn which can encourage moss.

Mowing in Dry Weather 

  • If the grass is dry and not growing, do not mow it. 
  • If there is some growth or it looks unsightly with tufts of growth here and there, then only trim the tops of the leaf try and keep the height to 50mm (2”). This will help to protect the soil, and keep it cool which will help when the rains come.

Water regime

Just like the plants in our flower beds, our lawns need water to survive, or ultimately, they will die. 

  • Earlier in the morning or later in the evening are the best times to water. 
  • Water in short intervals of about 15-20 minutes, let the water soak in, then turn the sprinkler back on for another 15-20 minutes.
  • If the lawn doesn’t dry out between watering, stretch out the intervals. If the water doesn’t get deep enough, apply a little more at each watering, but water less often. 

Oasis treatment

Watering costs far less than reseeding or replacing a lawn which has died of thirst. Our Oasis Water Conserver can also help to reduce the need to water by up to 80%! It’s our solution to helping your soil make the very best use of any available moisture, whether it’s rain, recycled water or even morning dew. Whilst improving the colour and quality of your grass. It truly Is a great product, and we believe every lawn should benefit from it. 


Lawns in shade require special attention, as without the required amount of sun each day the grasses can deteriorate becoming less resilient and prone to disease.

  • Ensure any garden furniture isn’t stealing any light from your lawn, it’s best to move this around if possible. 
  • Cut lawns in shade less frequently and to no lower than 2 inches. 

Join our community of Lawn Lovers today and treat your lawn to our NutraGreen Summer Long. Contact your local GreenThumb branch: 


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