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  2. Make the most of your GreenThumb Garden

Make the most of your GreenThumb Garden


As we’re all aware, rain has dominated May this year, with some parts of the UK breaking records as the wettest May yet. However, this bank holiday is set to be kinder. With school half-terms around the corner and National Children’s Gardening Week kicking off 29th May, now is a perfect time to all get outdoors. 

Here at GreenThumb, we love our lawns, and we want you too as well. Your garden is an extension of your home, yet we tend to not use the outdoor space to its full potential. As well as taking advantage of our range of treatments to create a healthy, thriving lawn, we want you to also make the most of your green space. 

Studies show that outdoor activity has a huge impact on improving adults and children’s mental and physical wellbeing, helping to reduce stress and boost self-esteem. Here are some fun ways you and your family can enjoy your GreenThumb Garden.

Lawn Games

With half-term approaching, you might need some inspiration to keep the children entertained. Why not set a challenge for the kids to create their own garden games? It could be a homemade sports day, crazy golf course made from cardboard boxes and cups, a simple game of French cricket or a tricky treasure hunt. 


With warmer temperatures predicted, now is a good time to wipe down the BBQ, and enjoy food and drinks with your family. The weather might even be warm enough to get the pool out! 


You could dust of your paint buckets and brushes and upcycle any garden furniture, fences etc. to spruce up the garden. You could even get your DIY on and make your own furniture – wooden palettes are cost-effective and versatile! 
Why not go rock hunting with your children and help them paint their favourite bug? 

Clean up 

Gardens, like houses, need tidying and lots of love to look their best. Now is a good time to prepare the garden for Summer. You should… mow the lawn, trim the edges, plant, and water. 
You could give your children an opportunity to earn pocket money by doing odd jobs in the garden that are suitable for their age. Great chance to get them outside, whilst they also learning the value of work.

Green up your Garden
It’s important we all take steps to become more sustainable and what better way to start in the garden! Also, a great opportunity to teach your children the importance of helping the environment. 

Water Conservation

  • You can collect rainwater in buckets or watering cans. This saves money and plants actually prefer rainwater as it’s acidic, whereas tap water is chalky!

Compost Heap 

  • Home composting is certainly the most environmentally friendly method of dealing with kitchen and garden waste. As a bonus, this waste also produces compost that can be used as an excellent soil improver.  

Look after the wildlife

Helping wildlife can be as rewarding for you as it for them. You could create a bug hotel, home for the birds or a feeding station for hedgehogs. 

Whether you’d like a new bird feeder with bespoke GreenThumb bird seed or a cosy hedgehog house to help out your local wildlife, GreenThumb Gardens have plenty of brilliant products to enhance your garden and create an environment for nature to thrive: www.greenthumbgardens.co.uk

Children love finding and studying bugs and the best way to do this is to create an environment where they can live happily!

Plant some flowers

Brighten up your borders and plant some flowers. Let the children have a go at planting and watering their growing garden

There are plenty of ways you can maximize your green space, after all, we should be experts by now! We’d love to know what you get up to in your garden.

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