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Mowing your Lawn


It’s the job some of us love to hate – mowing the lawn. However, mowing is the key to a healthy lawn. The more often your lawn is mown the better it will look; a thicker, lush lawn with better roots and less weeds. 

Of course, this only applies if correct mowing is adhered to. Mow your way to a great looking lawn with our handy tips…

Before mowing, it’s important to clear any mess, including dead sticks and leaves that may have gathered. Ideally you should only mow when the grass is dry. The blades will be upright and less likely to clump when cut.

During the warmer weather periods, we recommend cutting your lawn a minimum of once a week. Your lawn should be kept between 25mm (1’’) and 50mm (2’’) in length. A healthy lawn can survive an occasional close cut but repeatedly scalping the lawn, will result in brown patches and has several harmful side effects, including:

  • Injury to the crown, where new growth generates, and nutrients are stored.
  • Reduction of the surface area of the blade, making the blade surface insufficient to produce food through photosynthesis.
  • Increased vulnerability to pests and disease. 

If your lawn has been scalped, mowing as often as you can on a high height will it give it the best chance of recovery. 

Before we get dry weather, increase the height of the cut up to 50mm (2’’). This allows the grass to retain moisture to stop it from drying out too quickly.  

Don’t let your lawn grow too long before mowing, especially soon after a treatment. If your lawn has grown too long, cut it back in stages rather than all at once. 

After you have finished mowing the lawn, you must remove any grass clippings as they contribute to surface thatch on the lawn, which in turn can encourage moss. 

Also remember to:

  • Avoid mowing in the heat of the day to prevent heat stress on your grass and yourself.
  • Check your mowers blade regularly and sharpen or replace if necessary. If you don’t, it may tear the grass blade and increase the chance of disease. 
  • Ensure you clean and remove grass from the underside of the mower, after you have finished. 
  • Change the mowing pattern each time you mow. Grass develops a grain based on your cutting direction, tending to lean towards the direction you mow. Alternating the pattern allows the opportunity for all grass species to grow.

You can give yourself and your lawn mower a well-deserved holiday with our SlowMow treatment. This growth regulator treatment reduces the rate at which the grass plant grows, meaning you don’t need to cut the grass quite so often. 
As a bonus, it will also improve your lawns appearance, making it thicker and healthier.

SlowMow is available as an optional extra on any of our lawn treatment programmes. Contact your local branch to book: www.greenthumb.co.uk/branch


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