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  2. New year, new Lawn Makeover

New year, new Lawn Makeover


Start the New Year, with a new lawn; our GreenThumb Lawn Makeover will give you the Ultimate Lawn!

Over the last few years, we gave ourselves the task of turning existing lawns into the ultimate lawn – a GreenThumb lawn. We also had the goal of doing this more cost effectively, with superior results when compared with re-turfing, and with less disruption to the homeowner.

Our Lawn Makeover is not a superficial, quick fix transformation such as scarifying and over-seeding - often called a Lawn Renovation. No, we give you a brand-new lawn using our bespoke Diamond Green seed.

So, what is the Lawn Makeover process?

Firstly, we apply a ‘clean label’ herbicide to kill the lawn. After the lawn dies, we will remove the dead grass and thatch.

Next, we will carry out Aeration, which improves air space and soil structure to promote a good foundation for grass seed germination. We will also collect and remove all debris and take to a bio-fuel plant and the grass waste made into compost.

Our own exclusive and bespoke GreenThumb ‘Diamond Green’ lawn seed is then applied to your lawn. This blend adapts specifically to any environment making it the best choice by far for your lawn.

We apply our 100% organic Top Dressing to encourage germination followed by our unique seasonal NutraGreen fertiliser which will feed your lawn over the next 10 weeks. Next is our unique Oasis water-conserver treatment which aids water retention at the root zone (this also reduces the amount of watering required from you).

At the end of your Lawn Makeover, we will make 3 follow-up visits over the next 10-12 weeks. These include germination progress, mowing advice and concludes with a bespoke, feed and weed treatment.

Do I need a GreenThumb Lawn Makeover?

If your lawn is beyond its best, a patchwork of good and bad grasses, or you want the Ultimate Lawn, then our Lawn Makeover is just what you need!

Our Lawn Makeover is ideal for:

  • Lawns full of unsightly weed-grasses
  • Anyone who wants their lawn to be the best it can be
  • Worn-our lawns – maybe decades old
  • Lawns with very little grass – almost all moss and weeds
  • New build homes or properties laid with poor quality turf
  • Lawns that have suffered from disease and need a fresh start

Interested? Contact your local branch for a free no-obligation visit: https://www.greenthumb.co.uk/branch


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