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Our Spring Lawn Tips


Like everything else in the garden, our lawns are learning to cope with the ups and downs of climate change. Our lawns take a real battering as a result and we expect them to come back year after year, which they will.  Their ability to bounce back is amazing but that doesn’t mean they don’t need some help because every year it gets that bit more difficult.

With a little time and effort you can have a handsome and healthy lawn for your family to enjoy which will be the envy of all your friends and neighbours.

Here are our top tips to get your lawn off to a flying start:

Clean Up

If you haven’t already done so, rake away those dead leaves, twigs and branches. The less debris on the lawn, the healthier it will be.

Does your lawn need some T.L.C?

As the ground starts to warm, it’s a good time to repair those bare patches that always appear over winter. Carefully rake the patch to create a bed, sow the seeds with a little top-soil and don’t let them dry out.  They’ll germinate in a few days (temperature permitting). Speak to GreenThumb about doing this as they have the best seed and an excellent top dressing.

Lawns don’t like shade

Take a good look at those border plants, shrubs and trees - they all have a habit of encroaching on the lawn’s space and weakening it by denying it light. Then … get the secateurs out!

Is your mower up to the job?

Check your mower is up to the job - it’s not too late to get it serviced. Make sure the blade is sharp, you could even buy a spare blade, swapping it over as the season progresses. Remember to raise the height of your first cut to just ‘top’ the grass - cutting it too low will put the grass into stress and set it back - just when you want to encourage it. 

Leatherjackets and Chafer Grubs

These pests cause brown patches on the lawn and are prevalent in areas with sandy soil.  The lawn will start to look ‘thin’ in places and there will be increased bird activity on the lawn as they search for the grubs. These pests damage the roots of the grass, so that chunks of dry turf can easily be lifted off the lawn. They are also a food source to badgers and foxes, which can tear up large areas of the turf to get at the grubs.

If you have this kind of damage on your lawn, it’s a sure sign of infestation, so please contact our office; we’ll be very happy to make a free inspection. After treatment, lawns can make a full recovery.

Badly damaged lawn areas may also require re-seeding - we’ll be happy to quote for this when we inspect.  Certain Chafer Grubs have a 3-year growth cycle, so it is a good idea to carry out a treatment the following year as well.

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