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Spring Lawn Care Tips


It’s that time of year when we start to rake away the Winter leaves and bring the lawnmower out. For many, a luscious green lawn is the main feature of our gardens come the warmer months – to achieve this, preparation is key. Knowing what your lawn needs this Spring and knowing how to treat it correctly will bring you the best results. Here are our Spring Tips for a fresh-looking lawn. 


1.    Clean up 
Whether it's leaves, twigs, or other types of debris that fall onto your lawn, your lawn will be shouting out for a mighty clean-up. So, get raking, but be gentle – you don’t want to ruin any roots. 

2.    Check your mower
Is your lawnmower still up to the job? Take it for a spin and find out. Remember, it’s never too late to get your lawnmower serviced. Before mowing your lawn, make sure that your blades are sharp otherwise, your grass won’t cut. Remember to also raise the height of your first cut to the just ‘top’ the grass – you could put too much stress on the grass if you cut too much off. Lastly, make sure your grass isn’t too long before you mow it as this could ruin the lawnmower and the grass itself. 


3.    Aeration / Scarification 
This is a good time of year to benefit from Machine Work – Aeration & Scarification. Aeration is the process of making holes in the soil to remove cores from the lawn, allowing water, oxygen, and other nutrients access to the root zone. Scarification is the process of removing thatch from the lawn – a mossy and spongy lawn is a good indicator that Scarification is needed. Contact us today to discuss your Machine Work: https://www.greenthumb.co.uk/lawn-treatments/scarification

4.    Feed your soil
If your grass is looking a bit patchy here or there, you might want to boost it with extra seeds – this will make your lawn look thicker and greener. Carefully rake the patch to create a bed, sow the seeds with a little top soil and be sure to water regularly. They’ll germinate in a few days (temperature permitting). We include Top Dressing & Overseeding within our Ultimate Programme but it is also available separately to Basic & Standard Programme customers.

5.    Check for Leatherjackets and Chafer Grubs 
Leatherjackets and Chafer Grubs are pests that live in the soil. They eat the roots of lawn grasses and as a result, cause yellowing and damage to lawns; for this reason, they can be a big problem for healthy lawns. Your lawn may be suffering from Leatherjackets and Chafer Grubs if it has yellow or brown patches or becomes thin. Other signs include seeing large dark or creamy grubs in the soil, feeding on the roots, and birds pecking at the lawn.


Contact your local branch for a free analysis at https://www.greenthumb.co.uk/branch





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