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Summer Lawn Care


June is positively set to make up for the unpredictable weather we’ve had so far, with temperatures forecast to reach as high as 27c across some parts of the UK! 

Whilst this might be great for our sunbathing and BBQ’s, too much heat isn’t great for our lawns. The ever-changing weather patterns of the UK can cause our grass to become stressed, so we must ensure we take extra care of our lawns during warm temperatures. 

Keep your lawn looking it’s best all Summer long with GreenThumb’s top Summer care tips…

1.    Mow at the right height
Before we get dry weather, increase the height of the cut to 50mm (2’’). This allows the grass to retain moisture to stop it from drying out too quickly.  

2.    Water regime
With less rainfall expected, we must prepare our lawns to ensure they remain healthy and hydrated. In periods of dry weather, your lawn will thank you for a drink. 

•    Earlier in the morning or later in the evening are the best times to water. 
•    Water in short intervals of about 15-20 minutes, let the water soak in, then turn the sprinkler back on for another 15-20 minutes
•    If the lawn doesn’t dry out between watering, stretch the intervals In between. If the water doesn’t get deep enough, apply a little more at each watering, but water less often. 

3.    Oasis
Our Oasis treatment is GreenThumb’s solution to helping your soil make the very best use of any available moisture, whether it’s rain, recycled water or even morning dew. It improves the colour and quality of your grass, whilst reducing the need to water by up to 80%! 

Contact your local branch to book: https://www.greenthumb.co.uk/branch

4.    Lawn Treatments
Throughout the year, we apply specially coated fertilisers that will help protect your lawn during dry conditions. Our Summer Ready Treatment is essential for a thicker, greener lawn, giving your lawn a timed release of nutrition up to 10 weeks! Find out more here: https://www.greenthumb.co.uk/treatments/summer-ready

5.    Weeds
At this time of year, the more persistent tricky weeds present themselves. It’s impossible to keep your lawn completely weed free. However, we can target spray these weeds to help keep them under control. 

6.    Lawn Disease 
With the increase in humidity, you may notice Red Thread in your lawn. Red thread can look:

•    Reddish/brown patches of decaying grass
•    Fine red needles protruding from the blades of grass
•    Pink/reddish candy-floss like particles around the base of the leaf
•    Infected blades mixed with healthy blades giving the lawn a ragged appearance

Generally, if our customers are receiving their regular fertiliser treatments this reduces the incidence of it. However, if Red Thread does occur, we can treat it at the same time as we apply the scheduled NutraGreen treatments to your lawn. This will ensure that your lawn has the best chance of recovery. 

Lawn Disease Management is included in our Ultimate programme but is available as an added extra to any of our customers on our Standard or Basic programme. 

7.    Lawn Pests 
We will soon be at the optimal time to treat Chafer Grubs. If left alone, Chafer Grubs can cause significant damage to your lawn. The first sign will be your lawn losing colour, usually seen in patches rather than all over the lawn. If you pull at your lawn and it lifts easily from the soil, even splitting the turf, you may see grubs near the surface. This mostly likely means that you have an infestation and need our Pest Management Treatment. 

Contact your local branch if you think your lawn is suffering: www.greenthumb.co.uk/branch. 

Creating and maintaining a lush lawn is rewarding, especially during Summer when you and the family can really enjoy it. We’d love to know what you get up to in your garden! 

Send any comments or photos through our social media channels...

Just remember, although grass is resilient, it can become damaged if an area is continually used. We just recommend you move these items every so often to give your grass chance to breathe! 


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