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Tips for Sustainable Spring Gardening


A sustainable garden is important for the environment and is becoming increasingly popular amongst keen and responsible garden owners. Simply put, the way that we garden impacts the wildlife and atmosphere around us. Take a look at these sustainable gardening tips to help you make a difference from inside your own garden. 

1.    Make your own compost

Try making your own compost using recycled food and natural waste such as vegetable peelings and grass cuttings. Using earthworms, you can turn your kitchen waste into organic fertiliser for healthier and richer soil. Alternatively, you can buy peat-free compost, coconut fibre, or wood fibre.

2.    Use sustainable plant pots

Consider making your own plant pots; there are many waste-free DIY options, for example, cardboard from a kitchen roll or old newspaper to make a seedling pot. Try using one-off plastic or choose recyclable plastic pots.

3.    Plant biodiverse plants

Try to grow plants that our wildlife and insects need. Growing plants that serve as food and shelter to our wildlife species will increase biodiversity, in simpler terms, the variety of living organisms on our planet. For the garden, this means flowering plants, such as trees, grasses, shrubs and herbaceous plants that will provide a home to a variety of insects. Certain types of trees like Beech, Oak, Wild Cherry and Crab Apple are home to caterpillars, beetles, which are also a great food source for canopy birds.
It is also important to help our pollinating insects, such as hoverflies and bumblebees with the process of pollination. Plants like the Common Poppy, Evergreen Clematis, Foxglove and Teasel are a natural way to attract bees, which therefore helps spread pollen to neighbouring flowers! 

4.    Consider water conservation 

Try collecting water in buckets, watering cans or even fit a water butt to your downpipes (although these need to be cleared of debris to reduce disease in plants). Saving rainwater is the most efficient way to minimise water use in the garden. Also, consider using water-retaining crystals in plants, so you don’t have to water them as often; organic, seaweed-based options are also available.

5.    Sustainable wood

Try to responsibly source your wood for your garden woodwork whether it’s for decking, fencing or building a new shed. The growing and processing of new timber uses energy and water; it’s a great idea to use recycled or reclaimed wood. The precise origins or wood can be difficult to trace, however, you can check these schemes for further advice - Forest Stewardship Council and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).

6.    Green Roofs 

You can buy living mats of plants which simply roll out onto a roof of a shed with a gentle pitch, also used to increase water retention. Green roofs help to support wildlife by creating a natural habitat for insects, therefore attracting birds, and repeating the food chain cycle. 


Learn more: https://www.greenthumb.co.uk/



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