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What to plant in your garden this Spring 


Nothing says Spring like the blossoming of our favourite plants in the garden. It’s that time of the year for the gardening gloves to come out, preparing for yet another colourful display of flowers for our green spaces. Take a look at a list of our top plants to grow this Spring.

1.    Pansies

Easy to grow and a long-time garden favourite, pansies are popular for creating colourful flower displays such as pots, hanging baskets or window boxes. Pansies grow best in fertile soil or soil areas with shade. When used in pots, it’s best to use peat-free multi-purpose compost. For garden soil, it’s better to use well-rotted organic matter before planting. Regular watering and feeding will keep pansies looking their best as well as encourage more growth.  

2.    Crocus

Bringing bursts of colour to the garden, beds of white, yellow or purple crocus plants make a colourful display for Spring. Crocus is also a source of nectar and pollen for pollinating insects, helping the process of pollination. Crocus is best planted in an open, sunny position to the sun and is suitable to be grown in pots, on their own or mixed with other spring-flowering bulbs.

3.    Hellebores

Easy to grow and low maintenance, Hellebores are woodland edge plants, tolerant to the sun or full shade. Hellebores are visible from January – May, turning green as the plant matures. Hellebores thrive in fertile, well-drained soil, perfect at the front of a border, in pots, beneath shrubs, in sun or shades areas. Remember to cut back the large leathery leaves to allow new flowers to emerge and plant with well-rotted compost.

4.    Muscari

Grape hyacinths are small, spring bulbs with bright blue flowers, perfect as front border plants, in naturalised grasses or shady areas such as under shrubs. Grape hyacinths are also a natural source of pollen, attracting a wide range of pollinators including bees, helping with the process of pollination. Because they spread so easily, it is worth planting them in plant containers. To propagate properly, plant grape hyacinths by divisions to stop the plant from overspreading.

5.    Iris

Moisture-loving irises are loved for their colourful flowers, intricate patterns and variation, blooming from late Spring to Summer. The most common species are Iris Ensata, and the yellow flag iris, Iris Pseudacorus. The earliest bulb type to grow in Spring is Iris Laevigata. To grow, irises need soil that stays moist all year round, making them ideal for moist soil conditions from pond margins, pots to bog gardens. Also, make sure the top half of the fleshy root is above ground and exposed to the sun.


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