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Why does your lawn need Oasis?


Do you want a lawn that requires less watering? Then our Oasis treatment is just what you need! With 50-80% less water required than your typical watering routine, our Oasis treatment is the solution to helping your soil make the very best use of any available moisture whilst saving you time and energy. Learn more about our Oasis Treatment here. 

How does Oasis work?
Oasis works to keep your grass as hydrated as possible, achieving a lusher, greener lawn for longer. We’ve recently upgraded our Oasis treatment by adding a liquid seaweed extract which improves the colour and quality of your lawn almost immediately, it does this by improving the grasses root developments and protecting against natural stress factors. Oasis works through these 3 formulas:

Significantly improves the movement of any moisture through the soil to the root zone where it is required, rather than draining right through or sitting on the top.

Effectively moves water to the right places and spreads it through the soil in order to benefit the whole lawn.
Essential nutrients will be more easily accessible to the roots, as nutrients use water to travel through the soil and Oasis enhances this process.

Retains water at the root zone for longer, making it more readily available for the grass plant.

What are the benefits of Oasis?
•    Improves absorption of any water received
•    Encourages root development, essential for healthy grass
•    Makes vital nutrients more readily available
•    Protects against the effects of dry conditions and sparse rainfall

When is Oasis applied?
Our Oasis Treatment is applied from April to June*; we believe that all lawns should benefit from Oasis which is why we now include it within all of our Lawn Treatment Programmes.
*Timings may differ depending on the weather and each lawns specific requirements

To find out more about our Oasis Treatment, watch our video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zofM9KHa9UU&feature=youtu.be

Contact your local branch to book your Oasis Treatment today: https://www.greenthumb.co.uk/branch



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