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Winter Lawn Care


Ultimately, our gardens are not at the forefront of our mind in the midst of December. It’s cold and the days are short, so, just like us, our lawns start to rest.

Amongst all the December chaos and weather permitting, it’s still good to take care of a few gardening chores now to allow us to enjoy our lawns come Spring. 

Our top tips for December are...

Remove items 
It’s easy for items to be overlooked and left on the lawn in the cold winter when no one goes outside very often. If an object is left on the grass during cold weather, it can create large dead spots because of the weight of the object. In the spring the grass in that area will be stunted and thinner than the rest of the lawn!

Remove leaves
Ensure leaves are picked up. Leaf damage can be long-lasting and can affect even the toughest of lawns! Leaves will block out sunlight and air which your grass needs to survive. The trapped moisture underneath also creates moss-loving conditions (which you don’t want!).

Continue adding mulch to trees, shrubs, and planting beds. You can mulch your leaves, which is super easy to do! Collect any fallen leaves, then shred the leaves as much as you can and simply spread around your plants and flower beds. Mulching has several benefits. Not only will it preserve your garden’s soil from erosion, it also works as a barrier preventing weeds and other grasses from growing. 

Clean Garden Tools
The cold and wet weather can damage your garden tools if not brought indoors. Ensure you bring them in and give them a good clean.

Drain Garden Hoses
Remember to drain and detach your garden hoses or you run the risk of your pipes freezing and bursting. 

Feed the Birds 
Keep bird feeders filled, and make sure the feed doesn’t get mouldy or frozen. You can purchase top quality bird seed at GreenThumb Gardens: https://www.greenthumbgardens.co.uk/

Autumn/Winter Long Treatment
Treat your lawn to our Autumn/Winter Long treatment. This treatment is a little different from our other treatments throughout the year. Rather than encouraging growth, it strengthens the plant for the rigours of winter. It dehydrates the moss and controls it by slowing down its activity. Contact your local branch to book: www.greenthumb.co.uk/branch

Issues to look out for
It’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of distress your lawn may be facing, so we can treat for it as soon as possible. 

Snow Mould 
Microdochium Patch (fusarium), more commonly known as Snow Mould is a cold weather disease and enjoys persistent drizzle and foggy/misty conditions with low air movement.

Symptoms appear as small, circular, yellow patches which can spread up to about 30cm in diameter. Once established, the patches turn a yellow/brown colour and in severe cases can kill the grass. After the disease becomes inactive, the area appears pale and straw-like.

Lawns that have a high thatch layer and poor drainage, as well as enclosed lawns with little air movement, are the most susceptible to this disease.

If your lawn is exposed to too much water and becomes water-logged this could potentially cause moss in your garden. Moss can be found in a wide variety of locations, but on lawns it will grow when grass growth is slow and the soil is wet, as well as in shady and damp conditions. 

You can find out how to tackle moss in your lawn here: https://www.greenthumb.co.uk/blog/lets-learn-about-lawn-moss

Heavy usage of the lawn while the soil is wet results in it compressing. Not only does this prevent grass growth, but it also leads to water not draining properly, which can lead to pooling on the surface, encouraging disease.

Contact your local GreenThumb branch: www.greenthumb.co.uk/branch


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