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Your lawn needs watering!


We all love warm and sunny weather, however, spare a thought for your lawn - can it handle it? Just like the plants, your lawn will need watering to make sure it stays green and healthy.

In 2018, the U.K saw one of the driest summers on record resulting in many lawns dying or getting bare patches. Watering at least once a week would have prevented this from happening.

Knowing how to water a lawn the right way is critical to the overall health of your lawn. We’ve got some tips to help you:

  • Water to the proper depth: Moisture should penetrate to at least 25mm (1 inch), you can measure this by placing some empty jam jars or glasses on the lawn.
  • Water at the right time of day: Watering in the morning or in late evening (when the sun isn’t so strong), is when the moisture is most likely to soak in rather than evaporate.
  • Make appropriate adjustments: Keep an eye on your lawn, if it doesn’t dry out between watering, stretch the intervals in between. If the water doesn’t get deep enough, apply a little more at each watering but water less often.

Ideally, grass should be 83% water, yours is less at the moment so a drink is essential. If you don’t water your lawn during this prolonged dry spell, it’s likely the grasses could die off.

Don’t let your lawn down, by turning it brown – water it!

For more information, contact your local branch today – click here.


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