1. Testimonials
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"An extremely pleasant young man came this morning to carry out our Early Summer Treatment. We told him how thoroughly delighted we are with the superb condition of our lawn since we have been having your service and asked him to pass this on to his superiors. He thanked us and asked if we'd send an email telling you ourselves.

Our next door neighbour's side lawn area is a similar size area to ours but their's was always greener and in better condition than ours although we always used to weed, feed, water, scarify and aerate and they never appeared to. One day we saw a Green Thumb van outside their property, an operative treating their lawn, made enquiries and booked the service.

Truly, our lawn has never, ever, been better. We wish we had taken 'Before' and After' pictures. Visitors marvel at how green and luxurious it is (even in this searingly hot weather) and even ask if they are allowed to walk on it because it seems so lush and pristine. They are surprised when we say of course they may. They find it soft underfoot and soon springing back into place. We tell everybody it's not down to our efforts, it's because we now have GreenThumb.  

We recommend you to everyone but leave it to them to decide if they book you. We just want to give compliments where they are due.

Thank you. We are very, very, VERY, satisfied customers."

GreenThumb (Burnley)

The Holts, 18.07.2018

Unit 10, Caroline Court
Billington Road
BB11 5UB
Telephone: 01282 414400
