1. Testimonials

Thank you for keeping your promise to have someone from Green Thumb examine my lawn with the intention of prescribing a remedy for the problem.

Andy, from GreenThumb, arrived this morning. It was a pleasure to speak to him about my concerns regarding the lawns at the front and rear of the house. He listened carefully and, within minutes, could re-assure that Green Thumb could resolve the problems. What a relief!! Andy was a brilliant representative of the Company, highly-professional, had an in-depth knowledge of grass and was a credit to Green Thumb. Thank you again to the Green Thumb company for their listening skills, genuine help, lovely attitude and professionalism. What a relief for me to be getting help with this garden.

GreenThumb (Edinburgh)

Mr Davies , Edinburgh, 08.12.2021

3 Simpson Road
East Mains Ind Est
West Lothian
EH52 5NP
Telephone: 0131 322 7314
